Pregnancy is an extraordinary event in a woman’s life. Your body experiences spectacular physical changes to prepare for the arrival of another human being in the world. Your ligaments become more pliable, blood pressure increases, even your posture changes. Without these changes, your body would not be capable of adapting to this incredible event that is the delivery.
Of course, when your body sustains so many changes so quickly, there are certain areas that can react negatively compared to the rest of the body. Often, we can receive false information during our pregnancy, and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the myth from reality.
You might be surprised to learn what we must not consider “normal” during or after pregnancy:
- Loss of urine, gas or stool when you laugh, cough, sneeze, jump or run.
- Pain in the pelvis or back
- Pressure sensation in the vagina or rectum
- Pain during sexual relations
Symptoms to monitor during pregnancy
If you feel any pain or abnormal symptoms during your pregnancy, we can help. Back, pelvic girdle, and pelvic floor issues are usually treatable and are important for you to take control during your pregnancy, to minimize complications that can occur after the delivery.
It is important for you to seek professional help from a physiotherapist, if you have one or more of these symptoms:
- Pain in the pubic symphysis, coccyx, groin, back, pelvis, buttock or legs
- Difficulty with certain daily tasks, such as getting out of bed, walking, getting in or out of a vehicle
- Urine discharge when you laugh, cough, sneeze, walk etc..
- Protrusion of the abdomen through the space between the abdominal muscles when you lift your head from a pillow (abdominal diastasis)
Consulting a physiotherapist experienced in treating pelvic floor during your pregnancy will also help reduce injuries pertaining to your pelvic floor during delivery.
The health of your pelvic floor is an important addition to your pre-natal care for a healthy baby and mother.
During the delivery, your body suffers many significant changes, whether you have a c-section or vaginal delivery. Your pelvic floor muscles have been stretched, sometimes even suffered significant injuries. Ensuring they come back to a functional state after the delivery is very important. With pelvic floor physiotherapy, you can treat back/pelvic pain, treat urinal and rectal incontinence, improve prolapsus and abdominal diastatis. RÖST therapy can also help you with imbalances/dysfunctions pertaining to the pelvic girdle/back region, as well as improve your functional capacity and help you return to your activities, with gentle techniques and specific exercises to decrease pain.